Lismore Engineering has manufactured Rubber Track mounted macadamia harvesters for a long time and these machines are favourable for numerous reasons.

These machines utilise the power sources of the hydraulic system therefore you do not need an independent hydraulic pump system. This is ideal as it makes the harvester extremely simple to operate, maintain and connect and disconnect.

Track mounted harvester heads are “quick hitch” mounted, similar to a bucket or blade implement, therefore harvester heads are extremely easy to mount to these machines.

Rear-mounted hydraulic tipping bins are designed and manufactured to mount to the rear of your Track machine using laser-cut plate materials and RHS framework.

Rear-mounted bins are designed so that they are easy to connect and reconnect utilising a simple jack system supplied with the harvester.

Common “connect and disconnect” time is approx. 20 – 30 minutes. This allows operations to change from harvesting to bucket extremely quickly and allowing maximum use of your Posi Track power source.

Key benefits:
•Ease of connecting and disconnect
•Medium-sized wheel packs
•Double ejectors
•Most machines Admac compatible
•Good viewing for operator
•Easy to operate
•Low ground weight pressure
•Great for traction


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